Although we pride ourselves in our student leadership, Team Magma recognizes that sometimes a mature guiding hand is needed in our work. To be a mentor at Team Magma is to encourage team member independence while also caring for our well-being. This is a delicate balance, and we are very grateful for our mentors that continue to support us in reaching our fullest potentials.

Mr. Bryan Silver
Head Mentor
"i told you so."
As the founding head mentor of our team, Mr. Silver has continuously witnessed and influenced the growth and success of our robotics program since 2008. Not limited to mentoring each sub-team of the robotics program, Mr. Silver makes huge contributions in helping to brainstorm and create products for fundraisers, planning out affairs, and seeking opportunities for the team. His enthusiasm towards engineering and teaching radiates through the workshops while his positive attitude and actions have always been the inspiration for the members of the team.
"*Sigh* Court ordered community service..."
Mr. Kwock is one of the main mentors for FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). He has been with Team Magma since 2013 and originally joined because his son was on the team. He specializes in design, mechanical, and electrical. Mr. Kwock not only adds a lot to our team knowledge pool, but also to our team environment. He often makes jokes and is at the forefront pushing people to speak up with their ideas. He centers his philosophy around not telling us exactly what to do, but prompting us with questions and letting us create a robot of our own.

Mr. Wayland Kwock

Mr. Reid Arakaki
"Don't get hurt, it's too much paperwork"
Mr. Reid is the head mentor for our two FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) teams this year. He has been with Team Magma since 2015. He takes time out of his job as an engineer for nuclear submarines to assist with all aspects of creating a robot. Mr. Reid has an excellent charisma that makes everyone feel welcome and eager to participate. He is not only a mentor but a leader that gets students motivated and ready to be productive in the work day. This year will be his seventh year as a mentor in FTC and second year as a mentor in FRC.
Mr. Aaron Dengler is the most recent mentor to join the magma family! Many of our members recognize and already have connections with him because of his hard work as one of the heads of FTC in HFR. This is his first year mentoring with us and provides an immense amount of assistance in helping build the robot and running the team! Not only that, but he is willing to teach the newer members when it comes to new concepts. We are so grateful to have him here with us this season!

Mr. Aaron Dangler
On behalf of Team Magma,